You Wish to Cancel Your Order?
When we receive confirmation of your order we try to process and dispatch your order quickly in order to get your purchase to you as soon as possible. Therefore, if you wish to cancel your order, we advise you to do so immediately or as soon as you can.
If you wish to cancel your order before we have dispatched it, please email us.
Please note, once we have dispatched your order, then unfortunately the item/s cannot be cancelled thus meaning the normal returns policy and charges come into effect.
How long do I have to return my order?
- You have 14 calendar days to return unused products still in their original packaging for a full refund. After this period, we cannot accept any returns. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Things You Must Consider:
- When you receive your product(s) we are happy for you to unbox and remove the product to inspect it. However, if wishing to return the product within the 14 calendar days and you have used the product and there are signs of wear on it, then we can only make a partial refund of the value of the product as it cannot be classed as new. This can be as much as up to 50% off the value of the product.
- If the product is not returned in its original condition, then The Home Style reserves the right to either provide a partial refund or charge for repairs or replacements of any parts or products.
- When returning the product, ensure that all necessary packaging is not missing. If packaging is lost or damaged, then we reserve the right to charge up to £60 to repackage the product to pristine standards.
Please ensure that you enter your phone number at checkout to help our delivery providers to notify you of deliveries. If you miss or refuse* a delivery you may be charged a redelivery/return fee up to £100 depending on the value/size of the order. This will be determined by the courier who is making the delivery.
*If a delivery is refused by you the customer or it doesn't fit in to your property due to the size you will be liable for the return charge which is determined by the courier.